(Above) NARLabs colleagues group photo
The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) has proposed eight major frontier science and technology platforms centered on semiconductor and quantum technology, AI, outer space, cybersecurity, precision health, net-zero technology, national defense technology, and culture and society, which aim to integrate the academic and research sectors and graft them to society and industry. In view of this policy, NARLabs develops platforms to help realize these technologies. In its participation in this year's CogX Festival, a future-oriented science and technology gathering held in London, NARLabs allowed the world to witness Taiwan's scientific and technological development through displays and speeches.
This year marked NARLabs' first time to participate in the CogX Festival. Spotlighting its seven national research centers, NARLabs displayed Taiwan's achievements in semiconductor development, AI chips, organs-on-chips, cybersecurity, net-zero emissions, and talent training in the semiconductor industry at the event. First held in 2017, the CogX Festival has become one of the world's biggest tech gatherings. This year's CogX focused on the challenges that humanity will face over the next decade in the Exponential Age.
Several NARLabs representatives were invited as keynote speakers for the Semi Impact Summit, a spotlight event at CogX, where they discussed topics related to AI, net-zero emissions, IoT, and organs-on-chips. Among them, National Center for High‑performance Computing (NCHC) Director-General Chau-Lyan Chang gave a speech on the omnipresence of computer chips, in which he explained that, from Edge AI to large language models (LLMs) needed for generative AI, the development of powerful chips is driven by human intelligence and innovation.
(Above) NCHC Director-General Chau-Lyan Chang delivers a speech at the Semi Impact Summit
Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI) Deputy Director-General Ying-Zung Juang presented on IC design challenges in the new era, stating that with the development and evolution of AI, today's computing environments can no longer compare with the computer age of the past, and in order to meet demand, we must pursue hybrid environments integrating AI, high-performance computing, and quantum computing. Next, National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE) Deputy Director-General Juin-Fu Chai spoke on AI earthquake early warning systems (EEWSs) and structural safety monitoring systems, explaining how an EEWS that combines AI algorithms with a post-earthquake structural safety monitoring system can reduce seismic damage and property loss. The technology can apply especially to high-tech industries that use high-precision instruments.
(Above) TSRI Deputy Director-General Ying-Zung Juang delivers a speech at the Semi Impact Summit
NARLabs Office of International Affairs Director Mei-Yu Chang then presented on the unique aspects of Taiwan's semiconductor industry development, stating that Taiwan is not only a tech island, but also the world's biggest investor in the semiconductor industry. As an organization linking the industrial, academic, and research sectors, and in particular through the talent training programs developed by TSRI, NARLabs is able to give full play to Taiwan's unique position in the global semiconductor industry. Lastly, Taiwan Instrument Research Institute (TIRI) associate researcher Chih-Sheng Yu delivered a speech on linking the industrial, academic, and research sectors to create social value. He introduced TIRI's advanced vacuum technology, which plays an important role in semiconductor manufacturing, as well as the cutting-edge optical components that assisted in the making of Taiwan's independently-developed satellite FORMOSAT-5, TIRI's platform for accelerating the market introduction of new medical devices, and alternative experimental animal platforms that are in development in cooperation with the National Laboratory Animal Center (NLAC) and TSRI. In addition, Associate Professor Yu-Hsiang Hsu of National Taiwan University's Institute of Applied Mechanics delivered a speech on behalf of NLAC on applying the 3Rs (replacement, reduction, and refinement) to precision health. As an example, Professor Hsu illustrated that by building a cardiac muscle cell model on a chip and combining it with piezoelectric elements, the model can be used in drug discovery.
(Above) NARLabs Office of International Affairs Director Mei-Yu Chang delivers a speech at the Semi Impact Summit
(Above) TIRI associate researcher Chih-Sheng Yu delivers a speech at the Semi Impact Summit
With its focus on semiconductors, Semi Impact Summit provides an interactive platform for participants to share and discuss the latest progress, challenges, opportunities, and even geopolitical impacts of the industry. It aims to bring together companies, investors, policymakers, and innovators to share their knowledge and engage in in-depth conversations to promote the development of the global semiconductor industry.
Through participation in the CogX Festival, NARLabs not only hopes to share with the world Taiwan's experience in frontier technologies and talent training and showcase Taiwan's strengths, but also attract further collaboration between NARLabs and international industries, academic institutions, and research institutes to work together for a brighter future.
(Above) (From left) NARLabs Vice President Bou-Wen Lin, PSMC Chairman Frank Huang, and NARLabs Chief Operating Officer Simon Hsu at NARLabs' display booth
(Above) PSMC Chairman Frank Huang takes part in a BBC interview at NARLabs' display booth
(Above) NARLabs Vice President Bou-Wen Lin takes part in a CogX Festival interview
(Above) NARLabs colleagues group photo